
Natalie Haworth-Liu enjoys a multi-faceted career as a flutist, teaching artist, and performance and mindset coach in the Bay Area.

As a concertizing flutist, Natalie frequently performs solo, chamber, and orchestral music throughout the Bay Area.

Since 2004, Natalie has performed with the Palo Alto Philharmonic as Principal Flute. In addition, she frequently appears as a soloist for their chamber and Baroque music concert series. In October 2017, Natalie was the featured soloist for "Dances with Flute," performing Carl Nielsen's Flute Concerto.

A proponent of new music, Natalie commissioned "Wings to Air" by Andrea Reinkemeyer in 2013 and premiered Lee Actor's "Flute Concerto for Two Flutes" with Ray Furuta and the Palo Alto Philharmonic in April 2022.

For over 25 years, Natalie Haworth-Liu has run a highly successful flute studio, attracting some of Silicon Valley's most talented and dedicated young flutists. Student accomplishments include winning concerto competitions, holding principal chairs in the most highly competitive Bay Area youth orchestras, all-state and county honor band selection (including "First Chair"), receiving command performance scores in competition, and receiving scholarships for various prestigious summer music programs and university programs. But what Natalie is most proud of is how many of her students continue their flute studies in college and graduate school and how some are now celebrated teachers and performers throughout the country.

Passionate about preserving and promoting high-quality music education for young children, Natalie took on the role of Director of Music at Monticello Academy in 2010. Since then, she has developed an esteemed K-8 music program that has become one of the highlights of the school. With her inspired curriculum and guidance, students receive a first-class music education, which has given thousands of students the foundation for performing success at the high school, collegiate, and professional levels. Natalie also mentors young teachers and provides coaching/teaching opportunities.

Natalie contributes to the greater Silicon Valley music education community as an adjudicator, clinician, advisor, coach, and teacher mentor. Some of the organizations and schools Natalie has worked with include Evergreen Valley High School, Abraham Lincoln High School, Pioneer High School, Saratoga High School, Redwood Middle School, Santa Clara and Palo Alto branches of MTAC, El Camino Youth Symphony, California Youth Symphony, San Jose Youth Symphony, Areon Flute Summer Institute, Santa Clara County Band Director's Association, San Jose State University, Santa Clara University, and more.

Enhancing her teaching and performing abilities, Natalie became a certified life coach in 2020, specializing in self-image work, confidence building, emotional resilience, and professional development/goal achievement. Her clientele includes musicians, high-achieving youth, students, recent graduates, and Silicon Valley professionals.

A passionate promoter of the arts in Silicon Valley, Natalie has worked as an arts administrator for various organizations, including Ballet San Jose, Symphony Silicon Valley, Symphony San Jose, sjDanceco, and The Ives String Quartet. She has also served on the Board of Directors for sjDanceco and The Palo Alto Philharmonic.

A native of Eugene, Oregon, Natalie received her Bachelor of Music Degree in Flute Performance from the University of Oregon's School of Music as a Ruth Close and Phi-Beta scholarship recipient. She was recognized as a "unique talent" by Dr. Richard Trombley, graduated with top honors and distinction, and received the "Outstanding Woodwind Performance Award." While at the University of Oregon, Natalie was the principal flute of the University Symphony, Oregon Wind Ensemble, and the University of Oregon Opera Ensemble and was offered the rare opportunity to perform four highly acclaimed solo recitals. Natalie was also a freelancer with the local orchestras and a frequent collaborator at the Music Today Festival.

In 1999, Natalie relocated to the Bay Area to freelance and continued her studies with Isabelle Chapuis. She has also studied with and performed in master classes with Robert Stallman, Michael Hasel, Patrick Gallois, Alexa Still, and Susan Milan,

Natalie resides in San Jose with her husband, Paul Prendergast. She has two sons (both musicians and engineers), ages 18 and 21, who attend the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of California, Santa Cruz.